100,000+ Gallons Per Day

As a result of its innovative design and build, OxyShark® is capable and suitable for a wide variety of applications. Whether it be treating domestic sewage, industrial or commercial wastewater, there is no shortage of scenarios in which OxyShark® can be a beneficial wastewater treatment option.

As a result of its innovative design and build, OxyShark® is capable and suitable for a wide variety of applications. Whether it be treating domestic sewage, industrial or commercial wastewater, there is no shortage of scenarios in which OxyShark® can be a beneficial wastewater treatment option.

Key Site Applications

  • Food Processing Facilities

  • Breweries

  • Seafood Processing/Packaging

  • Pharmaceutical Production

Retrofitting Your Current Application

OxyShark® is a flexible and versatile tool that can be added to existing sites or developed as an operation on its own. Many sites that produce wastewater have been in operation for quite some time, and a long-standing operation often means outdated methods of wastewater management. Space, manufacturing and adaptability all become major concerns when considering implementation of a new wastewater treatment system.

OxyShark®’s unique retrofitting capabilities efficiently address all of these concerns. An OxyShark® system’s design can be adjusted to meet even the most stringent space constraints, even if a site has been in use for a long period of time. This flexibility permits OxyShark® to scale with a business, as the system can be enhanced to meet the specifications of any most applications.

These are just a few examples of key site applications for an OxyShark® system.

Please contact us to see if OxyShark® is the right fit for your operation.

OxyShark saving money cost management wastewater reclamation system return on investment

Cost Management

Depending on the size of a business and its location, the cost of discharging large amounts of water can be exorbitant. In some cases, OxyShark® circumvents a city’s sewer usage costs by treating wastewater for reuse or direct discharge, allowing operations to avoid costly sewer fees that can arise due to the toxicity level.

Furthermore, when wastewater is treated by municipal systems, the waste-producing operation is subject to variance in costs depending on a wide array of natural and economic factors. OxyShark® provides the user with the option to reuse the effluent water, which can provide substantial savings by eliminating the need to use water from other sources.

OxyShark environmental regulation compliance wastewater government restrictions

Regulation Compliance

For any business, facility or firm attempting to maximize productivity and growth, regulations on water cleanliness and discharge can slow down progress and, in some cases, bring an end to certain operations entirely. In many cases, these regulations can seem crippling, as they require a variety of standards to be met. That’s where OxyShark® comes in. OxyShark® offers any operation the benefit of wastewater treatment.

Because OxyShark® is aerobic and biological, there are no chemicals or mechanics to be monitored and adjusted. This clean process means OxyShark® meets compliance qualifications in a variety of different situations. Whether a school is failing to meet water discharge treatment standards or a food processing plant needs to manage the wastewater it produces, OxyShark® is versatile enough to meet and exceed numerous regulation standards faced across a number of industries.

OxyShark wastewater treatment environmentally friendly eco green environmental compliance

Environmental Initiatives

As companies continually strive to use less energy, to take advantage of environmental incentives and to care for their geographical area, finding environmentally sound products becomes a prominent concern. Many operations treat wastewater with chemicals or empty wastewater straight into municipal sewer wastewater systems, which can lead to damaging effects on the environment and public infrastructure.

To combat this dilemma, the OxyShark® team developed a biological treatment option, meaning no chemicals are used in the water treatment process. A chemical-free process allows OxyShark® to operate in an efficient manner without wasting resources or harming the environment. Once wastewater makes its way through an OxyShark®, the effluent water is fit for reuse or direct discharge to many streams. Whether an operation reuses or discharges the treated water, the environment will benefit from this type of treatment.