OxyShark® is a multi-celled, fixed-film bioreactor, capable of handling hundreds of thousands of gallons of wastewater per day. The system can accommodate virtually any flow rate to meet the unique needs of a customer. The OxyShark® team engineers every OxyShark® system to the exact specifications of each individual installation site.

OxyShark® is a multi-celled, fixed-film bioreactor, capable of handling hundreds of thousands of gallons of wastewater per day. The system can accommodate virtually any flow rate to meet the unique needs of a customer. The OxyShark® team engineers every OxyShark® system to the exact specifications of each individual installation site.

  • oxyshark high-flow system aerial view with aluminum, concrete and metal options shown
  • oxyshark high flow water treatment system, side view
  • oxyshark high flow water treatment system, water flow view
  • OxyShark High Flow Treatment System, aluminum material
  • OxyShark High Flow Treatment System, Concrete Material
  • OxyShark High Flow Treatment System, aluminum material

OxyShark® High-Flow System

Treating 100,000 + Gallons Per Day

Efficient wastewater treatment for high-flow applications such as food processors, breweries and industrial facilities can now be accomplished in a smaller footprint with the OxyShark® fixed-film bioreactor.

The OxyShark® wastewater treatment process is a patented, high-rate, biological, process that reduces the organic strength of wastewater affording customers options of water reuse or discharge while reducing wastewater treatment operational and maintenance costs.

The OxyShark® system cleans wastewater up to 10 times faster than traditional biological wastewater systems. At the end of the treatment process, up to 97% of pollutants have been removed and the result is treated water that can be a reuse water source or compliantly discharged via NPDES permits or to the local POTW.

Construction Materials

The OxyShark® engineering team designs each system to the individual specifications of the facilities’ permit requirements and installation site.

Construction materials of concrete, metal tanks or aluminum are determined based on the flow and strength of wastewater.


OxyShark® is aerobic and biological. By treating wastewater with only beneficial bacteria and oxygen, OxyShark® eliminates minimizes the need for costly and potentially hazardous chemicals that can pose a threat to the environment.


OxyShark® cleans untreated water by passing it through thousands of square feet of media, in which bacteria consume waste materials in the water.


Though thousands of square feet of media are housed within its structure, OxyShark®‘s innovative designs are more compact than traditional biological systems. The result is an OxyShark® system that varies minimally in size depending on the wastewater load of a specific operation. The finished system is efficient in terms of size, cost and space.

Whatever the application or situation, OxyShark®’s team of engineers will work with you to ensure your needs are met.

Read more about how OxyShark® has been adapted for various uses by reading our case studies.

Plug-Flow to Increase Efficiency

OxyShark® utilizes a plug-flow process to increase overall system efficiency and reduce system footprint. Wastewater moves through the plug-flow reactor increasing the rate of contaminant removal. The treated effluent may then be sent to a reuse application, to a publicly owned treatment works (POTW) or discharged in compliance with permit specifications.

Adaptive, Intelligent Media

OxyShark® houses natural beneficial waste – devouring bacteria on “media.” Attached to this media, the bacteria can withstand damaging chemicals like chlorine bleach without killing the entire population. Unlike suspends growth systems, the OxyShark® will remain functional.

The Oxygen Difference

Unlike traditional wastewater treatment systems that use only ambient air, OxyShark® treats with an air and/or high purity oxygen combination. This process allows for a higher rate of removal within a smaller footprint. This innovative design makes OxyShark® a versatile, efficient and less space restrictive alternative to traditional systems that use only ambient air.