OxyShark® is a multi-celled, fixed-film bioreactor, capable of handling hundreds of thousands of gallons of wastewater per day. As a modular system, units can be added to accommodate virtually any flow rate. To meet the unique needs of a client, we engineer every OxyShark® system to the exact specifications of each individual installation site.

OxyShark® is a multi-celled, fixed-film bioreactor, capable of handling hundreds of thousands of gallons of wastewater per day. As a modular system, units can be added to accommodate virtually any flow rate. To meet the unique needs of a client, we engineer every OxyShark® system to the exact specifications of each individual installation site.

  • low flow oxyshark water treatment system single
  • low flow oxyshark water treatment system modular arrangement, three in row
  • low flow oxyshark water treatment system modular arrangement
  • low flow oxyshark water treatment system
  • low flow oxyshark water treatment system showing the directional flow of water treated
  • oxyshark dimensions of client site: car wash

OxyShark® Low-Flow System
Modular Design

OxyShark®’s modular build and design ensure a functional fit in most applications, even in restrictive spaces. This capability also allows OxyShark® to be retrofitted to existing sites, an optimal choice for locations seeking to upgrade or replace their current wastewater treatment processes.

Modular design also enhances the flexibility and versatility of OxyShark®. Flexible design allows an operator to layout the OS system in a variety of ways, optimizing performance within the unique parameters of a given site.

Though it houses thousands of square feet of media, OxyShark® has a small footprint, with sites as small as 4.5’ x 10’. The versatility of OxyShark® makes it a perfect fit for a wide variety of applications, regardless of space constraints.

Whether installed in a series or parallel, OxyShark® will develop a system for wastewater treatment at your site that improves efficiency without compromising space or limited resources.


OxyShark®‘s versatile design and build allow it to excel in retrofit applications. By working with your site and engineering teams, OxyShark® can design a wastewater treatment solution tailored to the particular needs of each specific site.

With OxyShark®, a business or operation seeking wastewater treatment solutions does not need to restructure a site to meet the designations of a traditional treatment system. OxyShark® systems are adaptable, built to handle a variety of conditions with an effective and efficient wastewater treatment solution.


OxyShark® is aerobic and biological. By treating wastewater with only beneficial bacteria and oxygen, OxyShark® eliminates the need for costly and potentially hazardous chemicals that can pose a threat to the environment.


OxyShark® cleans untreated water by passing it through thousands of square feet of media, in which bacteria consume waste materials in the water.


Though thousands of square feet of media are housed within its frame, OxyShark®’s innovative design is compact. The result is an OxyShark® system that varies minimally in size depending on the wastewater load of a specific operation. The finished system is efficient in terms of size, cost and space.

Whatever the application or situation, OxyShark® will work with you to ensure your needs are met.

Read more about how OxyShark® has been adapted for various uses by reading our case studies.

Robust Build

OxyShark modular wastewater treatment systems build designOxyShark®’s state-of-the-art design and build allows the system to handle even the most demanding wastewater treatment needs.

Adaptive, Intelligent Media

OxyShark®’s quality build and attention to detail is most clearly seen in the media used. OxyShark® houses beneficial, waste devouring bacteria in “media.” Within this media, the bacteria can withstand damaging chemical purges like chlorine bleach without killing the entire population. Unlike suspended growth systems, the OxyShark® will remain functional.

The Oxygen Difference

Unlike traditional wastewater treatment systems that use only compressed air, OxyShark® treats with an air and/or high purity oxygen combination. This process allows for more waste-devouring bacteria to populate the OxyShark® per volume than conventional systems. This innovative design makes OxyShark® a more versatile, more efficient and less space restrictive alternative to traditional systems that use only compressed air.

low flow oxyshark water treatment system, open view of water filtered