OxyShark® Finds New Applications

In the rural South, many schools have difficulty complying with regulations for their wastewater discharges. These schools lack the location resources of larger, more metropolitan schools, which affects their wastewater needs as well.

In metropolitan areas, schools can manage and discharge their wastewater through municipal sewer systems; however, in rural areas, schools may need to discharge their water into nearby streams, other bodies of water or land applications. Still, these discharges reveal the issue of regulation compliance. Not just any water can be discharged – it must meet certain quality standards.

The OxyShark® system is the optimal solution to this dilemma. By treating water on a school’s property, OxyShark® eliminates the need to operate more complex and tedious traditional wastewater treatment systems that require more time to manage, and may not meet environmental standards.

OxyShark® offers the benefit of water quality often above the minimum EPA standards, solving the problem of polluted water discharges in rural areas, and simplifying regulation compliance.

OxyShark® can capably manage influent water that contains chemicals commonly seen in school wastewater such as chlorine bleach, unlike traditional biological wastewater systems where the microbe population can be killed and biological treatment is impaired.

To discover how OxyShark® can fulfill your school or other rural operation’s wastewater treatment needs, please contact us.